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Module Guide: Auto waiting




AutoWaitingGuide: "" = ''

Auto waiting

Before performing the user action simulation, Siesta waits for the target element to become "actionable". This means it should pass several "actionability" checks.

Depending on the action, the list of the checks is different.

Actionability checks

  • present This check passes, when the ActionTarget query resolves to a target DOM element.
  • connected This check passes when the target DOM element becomes connected to the DOM tree. For example, the element, newly created with the document.createElement('div) will fail this check.
  • accessible This check passes, when the target DOM element passes the connected check, has non-empty client rectangle and is "visible". Visible here means the element's display CSS style is not none and visibility CSS style is not hidden.
  • visible This check passes, when the target DOM element passes the accessible check, and its client rectangle has non-empty intersection with the viewport (currently visible part of the document). Simply said, this check passes when the target is visible on the page (not scrolled out). Note, that if this check fails, Siesta will try to scroll the action point into view and if that will fail too, will continue waiting.
  • stable This check passes, when the target DOM element passes the visible check, and its client rectangle remains exactly the same for the period of 2 consecutive requestAnimationFrame calls. This basically means, the target should not be moving and/or resizing on the screen.
  • reachable This check passes, when the target point of the DOM element is directly reachable by the user - it is not covered with any other elements, like masks, overlays etc. Note, that it's usually fine, if the element is covered with one of its child elements - this check normally passes in this case too. This behavior is controlled with the allowChild option of the MouseActionOptions object.

Mouse actions

For the element to become "actionable" in the mouse action, it generally needs to pass all the actionability checks from above.

One exception is, however, the case, when mouse action contains an offset outside the target element, for example:

await t.click('#target', [ '100% + 5', '50%' ]) // click 5px to the right of the '#target' element
await t.click('#target', [ '50%', '0% - 5' ]) // click 5px above the '#target' element

In this case, Siesta will skip the reachable check for the target element, since the action is not going to happen on any of its points. Siesta will wait for the stable check to pass for the target point however - the whatever element is at that location it should not move/resize.

Keyboard actions

For keyboard actions the only checks that needs to pass are present and connected.


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